Thursday 3 October 2013

Style & Simplicity by Faisal Saya

Style & Simplicity: Many people try to dabble with exorbitant collection of haut couture, but out of such lavishness they end up with a matchless set of clothes and apparels. For many, the style element is absolutely inextricable no matter what it takes to acquire such stylish stuff. The better approach is to grab a style that offers both elegance and simplicity altogether. Here many of us consider simplicity a colorless jaded feature, and, more’s the pity, those who appear to be ‘simple’ are deemed to be in outdated mode, rather afar from modern style and fashion. To be very frank, being simple does mean to be outdated or outmoded; simplicity is an irrevocable element any style needs to embellish its own ‘stylishness’. Without simplicity, any style you wear is bound to be superfluous and padding. Now the decision is up to you!

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