Thursday 3 October 2013

Online Shopping is More Secure than Conventional Offline Shopping by Faisal Saya

Online Shopping is More Secure than Conventional Offline Shopping: Many people regard online shopping as insecure and full of hazards, ruled by hundreds of thousands of scammers under the guise of genuine traders and buyers. To some extent, this approach towards online shopping seems to be valid, but comparatively online shopping is more secure and less hazardous to that of conventional offline shopping mediums. Many well-conducted researches have proved that frequency of fraudulent buying and purchasing is more frequent and repetitive in traditional shopping modes, while online shopping is quite safe and secure on the other hand. Since arrival of numerous security utilities on the internet, online cheating has turned into a rarity, and more and more people are now opting for shopping via online B2C sites and shopping portals. Thus, online shopping is a most popular medium, and friendlier and safer than conventional offline shopping. 

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